Historically Significant Black Lives That Matter

Historically Significant Black Lives That Matter

Despite the impression one might have of the ELCA as a predominantly “white” denomination, what follows is a glimpse of significant early Black Lutheran contributions. Read the full story in Living Lutheran, the primary publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Church...
The Year Was 1974

The Year Was 1974

By: Vickie Denning, Communications Where were you in 1974? Yes, it was a long time ago, but it was a very good year. Bell bottoms were big — pun intended. Stripes were in vogue. Men in Tucson still owned suits. We didn’t have cell phones, iPads, laptops or...
Embracing Mom Pastors and a Mothering God

Embracing Mom Pastors and a Mothering God

“When I began recognizing the mothering behaviors of God in my own experience, it made me feel less alone,” Pomrenke an ELCA pastor, said. “I wanted to share that solidarity with others, both caregivers and church leaders.” Read the full story in Living...
Grand Canyon Synod Spring Gatherings

Grand Canyon Synod Spring Gatherings

By Sue Jensen, Synod Council Member You are invited to attend one or more of the Grand Canyon Synod’s Spring Gatherings. These meetings will be on Zoom and will provide an opportunity to hear about and discuss our synod’s past and future as we move through a year...
Tithing: What’s That All About?

Tithing: What’s That All About?

By Pastor Josh “With regard to tithing … the best question to ask is not ‘Do I have to give 10 percent of my income to the church?’ The answer to that question is simply, ‘No’. A better question to ask may be, ‘Would I like to be the sort of person who is spiritually...
Welcome Tara!

Welcome Tara!

By Vickie Denning, Communications Welcome to our newest staff member, Tara Hudson! Tara is joining our team as Children’s Ministry Director. During the next few months, she will be working with Donna Elmquist and Mari Eklund to ensure a smooth transition in our...