Desks for Kids

Desks for Kids

By Vickie Denning, Communications Director “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” This spark started with a 7th-grade literacy teacher in Iowa. Nate Evans was driving to a men’s group at his church. The radio was on, but it was just background noise. He was...
Do You Know The Davidsons?

Do You Know The Davidsons?

By Vickie Denning, Communications Director TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting someone or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet the Davidsons. Catherine and John...
TVLC Property Team

TVLC Property Team

Be sure to check out our highlight video (below) for the Property Team. The team has been a faithful ministry group over the years and recently has tackled many projects. Take a look at a few of the projects — ranging from indoor painting to roof coating to...
Lenten Service Monologues

Lenten Service Monologues

By Vickie Denning, Communications Director Our Lenten services feature the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer Service as well as a series of monologues. In the monologues, you’ll hear from six biblical figures. Peter’s mother-in-law, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Martha,...
Faith Life, WD-40, Duct Tape, and a Hammer

Faith Life, WD-40, Duct Tape, and a Hammer

By Vickie Denning, Communications Director Are you a DIYer for home projects? Or a DIYer wannabe? For this group of us — who are inspired by television shows that demonstrate how simple it is to do practically anything — we often throw caution to the wind. We’ve got...
Outdoor Worship Resumes February 28

Outdoor Worship Resumes February 28

Dear Friends, The TVLC Congregation Council made the difficult decision in December to suspend outdoor in-person worship. We did so in response to the heartfelt pleas from our hospitals and community health workers who were facing overflowing ICUs, limited hospital...