Dear Friends,

The TVLC Congregation Council made the difficult decision in December to suspend outdoor in-person worship. We did so in response to the heartfelt pleas from our hospitals and community health workers who were facing overflowing ICUs, limited hospital beds, and an unsustainable workload. The numbers continued to rise through the holidays, peaked in early January, and have thankfully trended downward in the last month.

Given these positive trends and an increasing number of individuals receiving the COVID vaccine, we have decided to resume outdoor worship beginning Sunday, February 28 at 10:15am. As we did previously, we will worship on the patio outside the sanctuary. Masks and physical distancing will be required. Online worship will continue to be livestreamed at 9:15am each Sunday.

As excited as we are about the positive trends, we need to be mindful that the pandemic is not over. The council will continue to closely monitor the infection rates, hospital bed availability, and COVID deaths. If the positive trends continue, we will explore more in-person activities. If infection rates rise dramatically because of the new variants, we may need to scale back in-person activity once again.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to this community. Your prayers, your willingness to adapt, your support and care for each other, and your love and care for our world have allowed us to continue in our mission to follow Jesus and share his love this past year. We will continue to navigate the challenges together, as we are upheld by God’s love and live into the hope we share.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Josh, Pastor Stephen, and the TVLC Council