By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

Are you a DIYer for home projects? Or a DIYer wannabe?

For this group of us — who are inspired by television shows that demonstrate how simple it is to do practically anything — we often throw caution to the wind. We’ve got WD-40, duct tape and a hammer, so what could go wrong?

Demo comes first. Demolition is usually fun and rewarding and we see results quickly. Often we’re quite proud of our work and may even share the results on social media.

Then it’s time to start putting things back together. And, the glow starts to subside.

Can we do plumbing? Electrical? Should we do plumbing? Electrical? (Probably not.) And, whatever the project is, it gets harder and harder, and then we find out we don’t have the tools we need.

Maybe we don’t have a ratchet wrench. Or maybe it’s really a ratchet wrench with a movable head. Or maybe it’s a jigsaw. Or a miter saw. And, we wonder how late Ace Hardware or Home Depot or Lowe’s is open. And does the person there really know what tool we need AND how to use it?

Now what about when we apply this to our faith life? What happens when we decide it’s time to recharge, refresh, renew? Where do we turn? What tools are available?

Our pastors are currently working through a sermon series taking a look at that question. Let’s call it a given that we turn to God, the Bible, and friends and family. But what other faith resources are out there?

There are tons of resources, but a short list of recommendations from your fellow parishioners, pastors and bishop follows. See if you’re interested in adding any of these to your toolbox — alongside your WD-40, duct tape, and hammer!

Pray As You Go – A daily prayer session‎
Centering Prayer – Contemplative guided prayer
The Bible App by YouVersion – Daily prayer experiences
Abide – Bible and sleep meditation

BibleGateway – A verse is offered for each day in this searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.
God Pause – A daily devotion brought to you by the alumni of Luther Seminary.
The Daily Examen – YouTube videos helping us find God in the everyday.

“Thy Will Be Done” by Stephen Cherry

Sitting, walking, hiking, driving through God’s beautiful world!