

The message below, contains information from the Pima County Health Department website and was submitted by the Creation Care Ministry Team, a group committed to finding meaningful ways to help our congregation care for the beautiful world God has given us. If you...
Do You Know the Berglunds?

Do You Know the Berglunds?

By Vickie Denning, Communications Director TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet the Berglund family. About you? John...
Fleeing Afghanistan

Fleeing Afghanistan

By: Vickie Denning, Communications Director The images and headlines during the past weeks have tugged at our hearts. Over 120,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan and are now refugees. You may have wondered, if it were you, what would you take with you in...
Bible Study for All

Bible Study for All

By: Pastor Arlyn Norris The Wednesday evening Bible Study for All will resume meeting on September 15 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Tevah room. A Zoom connection will be available for those who desire to attend remotely. The topic for the group this fall will be...
Grand Canyon Synod Council News

Grand Canyon Synod Council News

By: Sue Jensen, Grand Canyon Synod Council Representative It is always good for us at TVLC to reflect on the fact that we are not alone in what we do. We are joined in the task of bringing in the kingdom with the other 88 congregations in this synod, as we are with...
Do You Know the Lauber Family?

Do You Know the Lauber Family?

By Vickie Denning, Communications Director TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet the Lauber family. About you? Matt and...