By: Pastor Arlyn Norris

The Wednesday evening Bible Study for All will resume meeting on September 15 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Tevah room. A Zoom connection will be available for those who desire to attend remotely. The topic for the group this fall will be Experiencing God.

Using short video presentations featuring ten Bible teachers from Luther Seminary, the group will explore questions like: What does it mean to search for God? Is God angry? What’s the nature of God? The study will look at who is Jesus and what is his significance for us? Who or what is the Holy Spirit and what’s the connection between the physical and the spiritual? Each session will include small and large group discussions.

The group will also devote the last part of each session to spiritual practices that will give each person a way to open themselves to experience God’s presence. Participants will explore the Jesus prayer, centering prayer, methods of meditation and the use of music for spiritual reflection.

All are welcome to participate! Currently the group includes males and females from age 15 to 80. Email the study leader Pastor Arlyn Norris to request a Zoom link. Any questions can also be directed to Pastor Norris via email or by calling him (402.960.9044).

Experiencing God will run for 9 sessions. Join the group and give it a try!