By: Vickie Denning, Communications Director

Following Jesus and sharing his love has taken a number of TVLC members to Village of Hope in Haiti over the past few years.

Haiti is a small country in the Caribbean that has been rocked by political chaos and natural disasters. The poverty rate in Haiti is among the highest in the world.

In the midst of this seemingly overwhelming need, Village of Hope operates as a beacon of hope to the Ganthier community. Village of Hope provides education and medical care to children and families.

TVLC teams, along with many other supportive partners, visit Village of Hope to provide support for their ministries. Our team members have provided computer support, taught in Bible camps, worked on roofs and put up drywall, and fed those who are unable to feed themselves.

During the upheaval of the past two years, the school and clinic were unable to operate as before and experienced closures. But, the needs of the community didn’t change and TVLC continued to provide the school with financial support largely raised through our annual golf tournament.

The school now has reopened and is serving even more students than last year. The health center is due to open by the end of the month.

The school extends its gratitude for our support.

“Thank you for your faithfulness throughout this year! With your continued support, we have been able to move forward with our mission to provide hope for the future.  Thank you for being a part of our Village of Hope family!”

Our team members seem to think the “thank you” should flow in the other direction. Their voices echo a deep gratitude for the joy and transformation they experienced while helping others through Village of Hope.

  • Barbara and Kennedy Warrilow’s experiences included serving in an orphanage and at a Bible camp. Barbara described the experiences as a “blessing.”
  • Greg Paulsen found his service to be a “remarkable experience” and found he identified as “brothers and sisters of the same heavenly Father” with people having vastly different life experiences.
  • Ralph Lucht describes how he changed his “perspective on life by what I experienced during my time at the Village of Hope.”
  • Derrie Lucht described “being with the children and staff as a ‘God’ moment.”

Cheryl Auchenbach tied together the many expressions of gratitude and love of those who went.

“The Village of Hope ministry has opened my eyes in a powerful way. It has transformed the way I see the people of Haiti; to see them as true fighters and overcomers, and as models of faith at the deepest levels. It has shone light on the importance of education and medical care in the life of a vulnerable child living in an unstable and impoverished nation. It has allowed my family the opportunity to partner in the life-changing work they are doing by supporting two children in their studies, their nutrition, and their medical care. And it has allowed my children a unique opportunity to watch these children grow and see a life quite different from theirs, but still full of laughter and learning.”

Mesi TVLC? No, thank YOU, Village of Hope, for all that you do and for all that you make possible.