Serve With Us
We walk together in life. We serve together in faith.TVLC
We love gathering each week to worship and encourage each other, and this wouldn’t be possible without our amazing volunteers! There are plenty of opportunities for you to jump in to serve and make a difference. Whether you’re answering phones in the office, serving as a greeter, sharing musical gifts in worship, or teaching Sunday School – we want to partner with you to show God’s love to all who come to TVLC!
Contact Us

Children and Students
Do you enjoy working with kids? Our children and students need adults who will invest in their lives by being available, authentic, and consistent. We can help you find the right age group and the right time commitment to match your schedule. Areas of opportunity include leading or assisting Sunday School or Kid Central, summer events, Confirmation and other Student groups. Request More Info
Church Office
Do you have administrative, organizational, computer, or customer service skills? Then we think you’d be a great fit to help in the church office. Service areas include front desk reception, data entry, bulletin assembly, and IT support. Request More Info
Calling all musicians! Do you sing? Play piano? Play other instruments? There are opportunities at each worship service to serve God by sharing your musical gifts. Request More Info
- Saturday Night Musicians are worship leaders at the Saturday 5:00PM service. Instrumentalists and singers are invited to share their talents.
- Chancel Choir sings at the 9:15AM service. Teenagers and adults are welcome to join. Perfect pitch is not needed!
- Modern Worship at 10:30am features piano, guitar, bass, percussion and vocalists. The band includes keyboard, drums, guitars, and vocalists.
- TVLC Ringers create seasonal music with handbells and chimes, using musical arrangements for students and adults, beginners and skilled players.
If you like working with your hands, we have plenty of opportunities for you to serve around the TVLC campus! You can help keep our property inviting and functional with painting, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, HVAC, landscaping, irrigation, or general cleaning. Request More Info
Worship stands at the center of our life of faith and there are opportunities to serve both up-front and behind the scenes. Roles include greeting, ushering, baking communion bread, reading, preparing and setting-up communion, assisting with communion distribution, preparing the sanctuary for worship, or serving as an audio or video tech. Request More Info
We are blessed to be a blessing to others. TVLC ministries reach out to serve our community. We also partner with local organizations to help meet a variety of needs. Join us in making a positive impact in our Tucson community.
Contact Us

Children's Christmas Gift Program
We’ve celebrated Christmas for over 40 years by providing gifts to hundreds of children who might otherwise not receive them. We seek out families who are not receiving aid from other agencies. Interested in joining us by organizing, buying gifts, or delivering them. Request More Info
Creation Care
Caring for the environment is our focus! We conduct an annual electronics recycling and shredding event. We collect printer cartridges and cell phones for recycling. We continue to look for additional opportunities to show care for our Earth. Request More Info
Food Ministry
People in our community struggle to put food on the table every day. We help address that most basic need by collecting food year-round, delivering holiday gift baskets to hundreds of families at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We also provide emergency food bags and make monthly food distributions to local ministry partners and refugee families. We support the UA Camus Pantry with food that is collected off campus in community collection boxes. Request More Info
Do you know how to sew or want to learn how? This group shares God’s love through the creation and sharing of baby quilts, blankets, bibs and tees, quilts, and prayer pillows and graduation stoles for other church ministries. Newcomers are welcome! We meet year round. Request More Info
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Energy, faith, and life—these are the hallmarks of LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY. Find out how you can involved. Request More Info
Interfaith Community Services (ICS)
Come network with over 110 faith communities through ICS! We work together to help people in need achieve stable, healthy, and independent lives. Request More Info
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW)
We partner with LSS-SW to show kindness, do justice, and serve those in need. We provide aging and disability services, children and family services, immigration and refugee services, disaster services, employment counseling, and emergency food assistance. Request More Info
Mobile Meals of Southern Arizona
If you can drive, you can help us keep elderly and disabled adults safe in their own homes! We deliver diet-specific meals prepared by MOBILE MEALS OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA and other essential items to homebound adults throughout Tucson. Request More Info
We are called to serve and bring the love of Jesus to all the world. Discover how you can join us in making an impact in communities globally.
Contact Us

Baby Hats Ministry
We have supplied over 45,000 life-saving hats for newborns! By making or buying new or used baby hats, we help prevent newborn babies from dying in countries throughout the world. Request More Info
Haiti Mission
Do you have a heart for those in need throughout the world? Be a part of our Haiti ministry that sends a team from TVLC to assist with projects supporting education, health care, and orphans. See a video highlighting one of the team’s trips here. Request More Info
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 3:00PM