Thank you to members and friends of TVLC for your generous contributions to our school supply drive! Your contributions will make a difference in the lives of children who needed a helping hand. Your donations were distributed to Wheeler Elementary School, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, the Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse and a refugee family assisted by TVLC members.

Your donations covered 3 long tables and included:

156 backpacks
97 packs of notebook paper
106 spiral notebooks
53 three-ring binders
65 two-pocket folders
84 packs of colored pencils
76 packs of markers
Hundreds of wooden and mechanical pencils
115 pencil sharpeners
185 pens
329 erasers
35 scissors
112 glue sticks
38 bottles of glue
11 pencil cases
13 rulers, 2 compasses, 2 packs of flash cards
177 packs of crayons
55 highlighters
46 dry erase markers
9 reams of copy paper
Dozens of socks, underwear, and shorts
Hand sanitizers, boxes of tissues, disinfectant wipes

Thank you to Susan Fissell, Doug and Sherry Cain, and Sue Jensen for delivering the supplies, to Joyce Swinehart for her work with the refugee family, and to Jennifer Howerton for setting up the Amazon shopping list for our online shoppers. All the recipients were absolutely delighted with the generous donations from TVLC!