Schools start the first week of August and we’re gearing up to help the kiddos served by Wheeler Elementary, Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse, and Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest have the tools they need to be ready and succeed. Donations can be left in the labeled boxes outside the sanctuary or in the church office Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm. Thank you! The items most requested are listed below.

If you’d like to shop online, click here. If you prefer, items can be sent directly to the church at Tanque Verde Lutheran Church, 8625 E. Tanque Verde Rd., Tucson, AZ 85749

Crayola crayons
Crayola colored pencils
Pencils, sharpeners, eraser
Colored pens (red or blue)
Dry-erase markers (black)
Elmers glue sticks
One-inch three-ring binders
Wide rule notebook paper
New small underwear (boys and girls)
New elastic-waist shorts (boys and girls)
New small socks
Gallon-size Ziplock bags
Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer
Copy paper