By: Sherri McClellan, Communications

Thank you, TVLC, for all of the help and recent donations for the new refugee family from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. This year in 2020, the Munyagitari family is 1 of 18,000 refugees accepted by the U.S. State Department for resettlement.  The Munyagitari family–parents, three daughters (age 20, 17, 15), and a son (age 13)–arrived in Tucson this week to a furnished apartment and a welcoming meal by our TVLC Refugee Team.

As a co-sponsor with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, TVLC is working to resettle this family with ongoing needs such as language skills, cultural interactions, casual clothing and professional attire. All of TVLC is invited to help build them up in their new life.

There is still a need to stock their cupboards and refrigerator with basic food needs for the next two weeks. Food and money donations (checks made payable to TVLC with “Refugee Team” in the memo) or gift cards may be given to the church office or placed in the offering plate. Please see any member of our TVLC Refugee Team: Diane Deutsch, Gerd & Kathy Renno, Jim & Joyce Swinehart, and Barbara Warrilow, or contact Gerd & Kathy at or 520-760-8468.

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”  – Micah 6:8