The TVLC congregation had a ribbon cutting for the new playground. Thank you to all who supported the playground project with their time, energy, and gifts to the Grace Upon Grace effort!  Check out this video below to see the Sunday School kids playing in action! Also, mark your calendars for Friday, December 9 at 11:30am for the official preschool playground dedication. 

The TVLC preschool would like to recognize the following people, who volunteered their time with the demolition, moved dirt, and who helped make the new playground emerge:

Melissa & Joey Gutierrez
Bev & Terry Kirchoffner
Holly & Brad Lloyd
Cari Lindsey
Jenny Robbins
Lesley Pinelli
Bethany McKibben
Cristene York
Curt Peters
Paster Stephen Hilding
Art Slatin
Ralph Lucht
Jim Knutson
Charlotte Cordes
Brain Lauber