Dear Friends,

With a heavy heart, I am writing to share that I have accepted a new call at Christ Lutheran Church in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Annie and I have had a wonderful four-and-a-half-year journey sharing life and ministry with you and for that, we express our heartfelt gratitude. It has been my joy and honor to serve with you, walk with you, pray with you, sing with you, laugh with you and dream with you in our mission and call to “follow Jesus and share his love.”

You have shaped and molded me as a person, as a Christian, and as a pastor and I am forever thankful. TVLC is a wonderful, lively, and thriving congregation – that is surely evident. God is always doing new things in our lives, in our families, and in our church and this is a good thing, because we worship a living Lord. I can honestly say in the same way we felt called by God to join the team at TVLC, we now feel called by God to a new chapter of life. As many of you know, Annie and I are from Minnesota and Wisconsin. Yes, we know it is cold there! Unfortunately, we are painfully aware of that, but life is meant to be shared with family and we are going home.

As pastors, we often preach about following God’s call. Sometimes it is convenient, other times it comes entirely unexpected, and sometimes it happens when you think it shouldn’t. The truth is TVLC is in such a good place we feel able to leave. You have an incredible Lead Pastor, a talented and remarkable staff, and amazing leadership at both the congregational and preschool level. You have a devoted team of volunteers and congregation members that sustain a myriad of phenomenal ministries. You have a plan for growth with new, needed building projects and a plan to eradicate debt to allow you to more fully follow God’s call. TVLC is in such a great spot, the next chapters will surely be bright!

Although we are excited about this new chapter and feel that God is calling us home, we will deeply miss the many relationships we have made here. We are thankful for the ways in which so many of you have welcomed us into your lives. Although I will no longer be your pastor, you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We ask for your prayers also as we make this transition to a new place and new ministry.

Thank you for inviting Annie and I to Tucson, and allowing me to be your Associate Pastor. My last Sunday will be April 16, 2023. May God’s faithfulness hold us in love as we make this transition together.

God’s Joy,
Pastor Stephen Hilding