By: Vickie Denning, Communications

“God’s Work. Our Hands.” This tagline of the ELCA is a Star of Bethlehem for our TVLC ministries. We look and listen for where we are called to be light and respond with our sweat equity and our resources. We reach out to the vulnerable in our community and far away. During a global pandemic though, it’s hard to do ministry 2,500 miles away.

But, we found a way!

Village of Hope Haiti provides schooling and health care to children in the impoverished country still suffering from the effects of a devastating earthquake, economic turmoil, and political unrest. In the past, we sent teams to be boots on the ground and ferry supplies.

“Even though you can’t help everyone, if you make a difference in just a few lives it feels really rewarding. Even if you don’t know where you may be making that difference,” according to Carol Paulsen.

And, our teams do make a difference.

Our team members built lab tables, painted, and repaired roofs. They taught, crafted, and led Vacation Bible School for children in small villages with no access to schools. They fed, bathed, and played with children with disabilities. They cleaned. They assisted in clinics.

Barbara Warrilow testified to the ministry saying, “It was a wonderful experience to witness God’s work in Haiti.”

So what about this year? The year of the pandemic?

Our talented seamstresses have made over 600 face coverings to help Village of Hope School provide three masks for each student, teacher, and staff member as the school makes plans for its fall reopening.

In addition, since our team members are unable to travel to Haiti, money raised to cover travel costs is being donated to Village of Hope.

The need hasn’t stopped — just our ability to be physically present. So we found a work around.

Love. Putting our hands and our resources into action to bring education, healing and health to our neighbors in Haiti.

“God’s Work. Our Hands.”
