By: Pastor Stephen Hilding
For several months now, we have been thinking about how God is calling us to build Tevah as we seek to support, care for and encourage one another — especially in new ministry terrain. This image was tag-lined by our students to include, “Tevah- Where Youth Are Just The Beginning.” By all appearances, this tag-line has been truly solidified by recent events. What began as a family ministry project is now too timely not to cling to as a congregation amid the uncertainty that accompanies the coronavirus. As we find ourselves in an unprecedented moment in the church and the world, we look to the image of Tevah as a reminder of God’s promise.
So what is this word, this concept, this project “Tevah” all about? The word Tevah is the Hebrew word used in two Old Testament stories in the Bible. Tevah is the ark or vessel that Noah built and it is also the word for the wooden basket that Moses was placed in as a baby. In both stories, the image of “Tevah” reminds us of God’s promise of protection and a future — one where we are held by God’s faithfulness amid uncharted waters. Tevah represents being held in times when the future is uncertain — with the unshakable promise that God is with us.
For the last month or so, we have begun holding listening sessions and discussions with students and parents about their hopes and dreams for where God is calling us as a church. We began some multigenerational projects as we seek to renovate the current “youth room” and build something new together — something that represents God’s ability to make us new. This image of “Tevah” is helpful as we continue to prayerfully discern the future direction of student and family ministry at TVLC. While we don’t know exactly the formats this will take, we know that Tevah is a congregation-wide endeavor to support, care for and hold each other in faith. Here is a little fun video to introduce Tevah- a special thank you to Dana Cowan, Logan Corrado, and Bill Nelson!
Although the initial direction of the project needs to be postponed for a time, we are invited now to consider how God is calling us to build “Tevah” and be the church in new ways especially in unprecedented moments like this. As a congregation, we are invited to consider how we can build Tevah together. For example, in response to a changing landscape, we had our first services in our digital sanctuary, something entirely new to TVLC. We have also begun compiling a team to grocery shop, pickup prescriptions and get supplies for those who should not be venturing out — while not new in concept, a new ministry opportunity. We are also calling each other, emailing, and connecting in some cases now more than ever — all of these represent ways for us to respond to new moments and situations by building Tevah.
This past week, Tevah led us to utilize Google Classroom as a way to stay connected. On this page, you will be invited to participate in fellowship by answering discussion questions, posts of prayer and encouragement, and “get-to-know-you” prompts. If you would like to sign up, please contact Pastor Stephen at
While we find ourselves in unforeseen terrain, we look to God to guide us, protect us and lead us into the future. In the midst of this uncertainty, how is God calling you to build Tevah?
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