By: Vickie Denning, Communications

How can I feel closer to God? How do I shut off conversations in my head? How do I learn to quiet my thoughts and connect to something bigger?

Centering prayer is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action within us. It prepares us to receive God’s gift of contemplative prayer, which is an opening of our hearts and minds to God beyond thoughts, words, and emotions.

“For me, centering prayer is an opportunity to set aside my inner chatter and outer mess and create space to simply be with God. It’s a time to set aside the laundry list of things I need to do, and trade it for rest and stillness to experience God’s presence,” said Cheryl Auchenbach.

Centering prayer adds depth and meaning and moves prayer from conversation to relationship with God. And it can be a discipline to foster that relationship.

Cheryl continued, “It is a time of healing for me, where I can feel God wash over me with boundless grace and love for me. And I just get to be present and enjoy it.”

Cheryl will host a TVLC-sponsored community event via Zoom that shares the methods of centering prayer and offer support in making it a part of daily life. All are welcome and there is no cost to you.

Contemplative Outreach will provide the program. In the introductory workshop, prayer as relationship, methods of centering prayer, thoughts and use of the sacred word, and deepening relationship with God will be covered. There will be time for questions.

Four continuing sessions will follow in October and include video and discussion to deepen the understanding of centering prayer and provide support in establishing a regular practice.

Cheryl shared, “It is timely to have this workshop during the pandemic as the stress and anxiety we have carried for so long has mounted and we have grown weary. I believe that a centering prayer practice can provide great benefit to all. There is healing to be experienced in regular connection with our creator, where one can rest and receive God’s healing love during this uncertain time.”

For those interested, TVLC will be creating a centering prayer group within our community that will meet regularly on an ongoing basis.

Contact Cheryl to RSVP at A Zoom link will be provided prior to the workshop.