Household Blessings
Repurposing goods. Rebuilding lives.

By: Vickie Denning, Communications Director

 Our Household Blessings ministry has been busy since it took flight this year. And take flight, it did! Take a look at how your donations have been used to help others in our community. Click on the ministry partners’ names to learn more about the agencies.

Women Warriors works to support female veterans’ well-being and to eradicate financial and housing insecurity. We have provided tables and chairs, pots and pans, linens, clothes, games and toys.

More Than a Bed provides essential items to foster, kinship and adoptive families. We have provided many sets of dishes and kitchen items, toys and games, a bike and bike helmets, booster seats, car seats, furniture, linens, pots and pans, and a crib mattress. Many boxes of children’s clothing were collected and donated by our TVLC Preschool and Kindergarten.

The University of Arizona Cancer Center researches and treats patients. A complete kitchen set-up, electrical appliances, furniture, and toys, games, and books were supplied to a single father with cancer.

Sister Jose Women’s Center is dedicated to the care and nurture of homeless women to help them move out of homelessness. We have provided blankets and clothes and are now collecting summer hats, sunscreen, and lip balm.

Eagles Wings of Grace assists women to transition from poverty to long-term economic independence. One of their offerings is clothing for interviews and employment. We provided two large boxes of clothing, purses and shoes. We also helped provide apartment furnishings, including a desk made by the congregation, for a grandmother and her grandson.

Care Portal helps vulnerable children and families. We were able to provide adaptive bathroom furnishings, blankets, linens, furniture, a baby crib mattress, toys, books and stuffed animals and many kitchen startup kits for families.

Sullivan Jackson Employment Center responds to the employment and training needs of homeless men and women seeking to reenter the workforce. We have provided furniture, clothing and, from our food ministry, peanut butter and jelly.

St. Vincent de Paul of Southern Arizona runs thrift stores to fund programs that include payment of utility and medical bills and rent and mortgage payments to avoid eviction. St. Vincent has received large items and articles that our other partner agencies did not need.

You can be a part of this ministry! When you’re replacing, downsizing, or cleaning out your cupboards and closets and you know the items could be given with dignity to another family, call Donna Elmquist (520.603.2399) or Mari Eklund (520.870.1772).

You can also join this ministry team. The group welcomes new members!