Do you have a pair of gloves, and can you lift a turkey? The Food Ministry Team is in need of two people to assist with the Easter meat collection, March 1 – April 13. This team’s tasks include:

  • Transferring incoming meat donations into church freezers. Being on-call and/or stopping by the church office during the week to transfer dropped-off meats to the large freezers in Linder Hall or NFLC and handling incoming meat donations at worship services. Other team members would assist during these times and a shared schedule could be developed.
  • Keeping an updated tally of meats.  We make every attempt to provide each family with their Easter meat choice. Updated meat counts allow us to tailor our communication requests and shopping needs accordingly.
  • Assisting on Delivery Day, 4/13. Arrive early on delivery day, unload meats from the freezers and transport them to the NFLC stage area, and place requested meat with each family’s food basket.

Please contact Johnice or Jim for more information or to join our team. Thank you!