By: Sue Jensen, Grand Canyon Synod Council Member

The Grand Canyon Synod staff is working diligently during this time of great uncertainty. While the pandemic has required some changes in method, it has not prevented the synod from pursuing its mission.

  • Bishop Deborah Hutterer continues to guide the work of the synod and to reach out to congregations across Arizona, Nevada, and Utah.
  • Jacqueline Pagel focuses on youth, outdoor ministries and those considering a call to ministry.
  • Miguel Gomez-Acosta assists congregations in transition.
  • Mark Holman works with pastoral mobility and leadership.

In addition, there are many others who continue to support the good work of the synod.

It is always good for us at TVLC to reflect on the fact that we are not alone in what we do. We are joined in the task of bringing in the kingdom with the other 88 congregations in this synod, as we are with the thousands of other congregations in the ELCA. We need to be regularly reminded of our interdependence and consider not only what is best for us at TVLC, but also what is best for the larger church. If you are interested in learning more about what the Grand Canyon Synod is doing, take a moment to look at the synod’s webpage. Highlights from the Grand Canyon Synod Council Zoom meeting on June 13 also reflect the breadth of the work that is in progress.

Synod Assembly: The 2020 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly has been postponed until June 2021. A major item of business at a synod assembly is the adoption of a mission plan (formerly called the budget) for the upcoming fiscal year. As the synod’s next fiscal year will not begin until February 2021, even without a synod assembly in 2020 there will be an opportunity in the fall to approve a mission plan for 2021-22. The bishop and synod council members are closely monitoring the effects of the pandemic on the synod’s finances and will make recommendations about the current and future mission plans later this year. The council is also weighing various options for obtaining comments, suggestions, questions, and approval for the 2021-22 mission plan from voting members of the synod assembly.

Benevolence: Many congregations in our synod have been able to fulfill their pledges of benevolence to the synod during the first half of 2020; currently, income from pledges is down about $26,000. Because the Grand Canyon Synod sends 50% of pledged benevolence dollars to Churchwide, this means that about $13,000 less than expected has been passed on to ELCA headquarters. The Grand Canyon Synod is not alone in experiencing a decrease in what it has been able to share with the larger church — most synods have seen similar decreases in benevolence dollars. As a result of the general loss of revenue, the ELCA has reduced its 2020 mission plan by 20% and has cut funding for several programs. One very painful cut was support for campus ministry; the Grand Canyon Synod Council has expressed its dismay at this choice and its hope that this decision may be rescinded.

Annual Meetings: Congregations across the ELCA are considering how to hold annual meetings in this time of COVID-19. Pastors and church councils are looking carefully at their constitutions to see if there are any legal impediments to online meetings and/or voting methods. It is new world, people.

Synod Council Student Representative: Hannah Manzanares, a 2020 Cactus High School graduate, was recently featured on KJZZ radio as she addressed her fellow graduates. While a high school senior, Hannah served as the president of her school’s National Honor Society and was active in student council and music.

Advocacy: The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Arizona (LAMA) has been established, thanks to a $15,000 grant from ELCA World Hunger and a few smaller grants from congregations. LAMA will enable all of us, in new and united ways, to live out our baptismal promises to advocate for those who have no voice and to speak as a group for justice. Solveig Muus is serving as LAMA’s director, and TVLC’s Gerd Renno is a member of LAMA’s Policy Committee. The synod council asks all who are interested in advocacy to sign up for ELCA Advocacy updates on You can learn more about LAMA on the synod webpage.

Grant: Work on the Lilly 3E (Educate, Equip, Enact) grant is going forward, under the direction of Molly Gary and Rev.  Miguel Gomez-Acosta. The three parts to this grant are stewardship, right-sizing of congregations, and financial assistance for rostered leaders. More information about the grant is available on the synod’s webpage.