Vickie Denning, Communication Director

I conducted a very unscientific, nonrandomized, statistically insignificant poll asking what some in our TVLC family will be giving thanks for in 2021. The results are heartwarming.

David Swanson
I am thankful that God has blessed TVLC Church and School with strong leadership teams (Pastors Josh & Stephen, teachers, staff, lay leaders, and Council). I am thankful for a generous and dedicated membership who provide their time and talents to further the improvements to facilities and campus so we may be a mission field to others. I am thankful for the PRAYERS and SUPPORT of both my immediate family as well as the congregational family with Judy’s walk with her Lord for needed healing. “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!” 1 Chronicles 16:34

Alexis Burrows
I am so thankful for my family. My husband and I really wanted kids and God blessed us with 4 in a very short period of time. Although it is very challenging, I miss them like crazy even if I don’t see them for a few hours. I pray every day that God leads me on how to be a good parent to them.

Carol Paulsen
I am grateful for my family that has modeled love my entire life. I am grateful for our TVLC faith community and its generosity. I am grateful for a loving husband whose faith is unshakeable. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to serve.

Marge & Norton Johnson
We are grateful for family and friends. We are grateful for our Pastors, who have led us during these difficult times.  And we are grateful for the energy that flows out of TVLC to help those in need.

Shari Huffman
I am grateful for my family’s health as well as my own. I am blessed with wonderful friends, but most of all I am so glad that I was given the gift of faith and know that I am a child of God.

Sandy Buffington
I feel full of thankfulness for the love from my family, those that feel like family, and friends including my church family. I am thankful that my family has made decisions this entire year to stay closely in touch, visited safely when possible, and reach out with love to each other and many in their communities. I am thankful that the entire COVID crisis has prompted us with urgency to communicate more and help those struggling. Thank you, Jesus.

Erin Cowan
I feel grateful for the love and grace of my family and church. I feel grateful for science. I feel grateful for the unending love and grace of Jesus.

Brian & Nancy Lauber
Brian and I are so thankful that our children and grandchildren live 3 minutes away! We really get to know them and watch them grow. We’re thankful for our medical professionals, which includes our daughters-in-law and sons who have chosen to work in this field. Their knowledge, expertise, time and energy is greatly appreciated! We are very thankful that we are retired and healthy.

Gerry Schwartz
I am thankful that my immediate and extended family were able to get together for Nyla’s memorial service.

Kathy Puls
I am thankful for the wellbeing of my immediate and extended family and friends who have survived COVID and are now vaccinated and have had their boosters. Beside above, I have many blessings: family, church family, friends, mobility, good health, home, adequate food, reliable transportation, safe living environment and I know how and can utilize the computer, cell phone and the Internet!

Connie Mallette
Starting with the Big Stuff, I am thankful I live in this country. I’m thankful we were given 3 special daughters who continue to enrich my life.  I’m thankful for the husband I picked up at a Lutheran student meeting long ago! And I continue to be thankful for the Lord’s care.

Gerd Renno
Family and friends.

The Muirhead Family
We’re thankful for time spent together with family and friends, our TVLC family, feline and canine companions, and all of God’s glorious creation. We’re also thankful for the food in the fridge and the roof over our heads, board games and books, sunrises and sunsets. We are blessed with our health and with the opportunity to live in and enjoy Arizona and its magnificent Sonoran Desert.

Pastor Arlyn Norris
I am thankful for simple things that remind me of God’s presence in my world. I am thankful for the hummingbird that hovers next to the feeder on our porch, dipping his thin beak to sip a dewdrop of nourishment. I am thankful for the smile that a barista flashes as he hands me my steaming cup of rich smelling mocha. I am thankful for my granddaughter’s laugh as she shows me the cat stickers that she has pasted on a sheet of paper. As I take note of small moments like these, I recognize how richly God has blessed me.