By: Vickie Denning, Communications

Bible Study for All will start on Wednesday, September 9 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Whether you’re young or old, male or female, new to or experienced in Bible study, this is a welcoming and safe space. This year we will focus on an overview of the Bible — from Genesis to Revelation.

The main resource for the sessions will be a series of video presentations featuring Dr. Craig Koester from Luther Seminary. As the group works through the videos, they will cover the entire narrative arc of the Bible.

The videos, produced by Great Courses, are based on a class that Koester taught for many years at Luther. Students often rated it as the best class during their entire seminary education.

“I was told over and over again how good it was,” says former student Heidi Schauer, “but in actuality I don’t think anyone could have conveyed how it would speak right to my soul and crack me wide open.”

In addition to the videos, there will also be time for group discussion. The class will be led by Pastor Arlyn Norris, a member of TVLC and a retired ELCA pastor. To participate in the class, email Pastor Arlyn and he will send you a link to join the Zoom group. If you haven’t used Zoom, assistance can also be provided to download and use the app.