The 2023 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, under the theme “Be Bold in Your Baptism,” was held June 9- 10 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Oro Valley. Pastor Josh, Johnice Mitchell, Kimberle Kennedy, Carol Paulsen, and Ralph Jensen represented TVLC as voting members. Sue Jensen attended as a member of the Grand Canyon Synod Council and was honored for faithfully completing six years of service.
The business of the assembly included the adoption of the synod’s 2024-2025 Mission Plan, recognition of new congregations and mission starts, election of members to the synod council and committees, celebration of ordination anniversaries, introduction of rostered leaders new to the synod, and recognition of partners in mission. Bishop Deborah Hutterer’s report highlighted the many exciting ways in which benevolence dollars from congregations and individuals are being used to Communicate Jesus, Connect People, and Create Possibilities across the synod and the world. There was also a time to remember and give thanks for the service and ministry of congregations and rostered leaders who have left us since the 2022 synod assembly; we especially honored the late Rev. Howie Wennes, who served as the first bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod (1987-2001.)
Assembly attendees were inspired by meaningful worship services, beautiful music, Bible study by Rev. Dr. Anthony Bateza, and messages from ELCA Churchwide representative Rev. Sarah Cutter. Offerings and in-kind donations were earmarked for ELCA World Hunger and La Casa Misericordia y De Todas Naciones. Because assembly attendees in years past have requested that there be more time during the assembly for fellowship, an evening of lively conversation and delicious food was held at the Tucson Children’s Museum.
The annual synod assembly is a time to celebrate and give thanks for what God is doing within the Grand Canyon Synod and the wider world, and we see evidence that we can do so much more to follow Jesus and share his love when we work together. The 2024 assembly will be held at Love of Christ Lutheran in Mesa – if you interested in attending as a voting member, a volunteer, or a visitor, let a council member or Pastor Josh know. Being part of the assembly is a remarkable experience. To learn more, go to gcsynod.org.