TVLC Events

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Event Calendar

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March 2025

Sunday Worship

Join us this Lent as we remember that faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false. We are wading into the middle of the stories of Jesus and stretching our understanding beyond the polarized extremes and easy answers to find God in the sacred space in between. We worship on Saturday at 5 pm in the Sanctuary and on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary or at 10:30 am in the Chapel. We value children of all ages in worship. Busy Bags are available on posts outside the sanctuary and chapel doors and children’s bulletins and crayons are also available. Activity and noise by children are welcome parts of our life together! Ushers can help with any of these options.
23 Mar
9:15 am
Sanctuary or Online

New Members Class

If you are considering becoming a TVLC member or you would like to learn more about our Lutheran roots and what it means to be a member of TVLC, join us on Sunday, March 23 at 10:15 am, in the Tevah room or Saturday, March 29 at 3:30 pm, in the Choir room Need more info? Email Sherri. If you’re interested in membership but are unable to attend the class, please contact Pastor Josh or Pastor Amy. 
23 Mar
10:15 am
Tevah Room

Sunday Worship

Join us this Lent as we remember that faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false. We are wading into the middle of the stories of Jesus and stretching our understanding beyond the polarized extremes and easy answers to find God in the sacred space in between. We worship on Saturday at 5 pm in the Sanctuary and on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary or at 10:30 am in the Chapel. We value children of all ages in worship. Busy Bags are available on posts outside the sanctuary and chapel doors and children’s bulletins and crayons are also available. Activity and noise by children are welcome parts of our life together! Ushers can help with any of these options.
23 Mar
10:30 am

Bible Study for Women

Women’s Bible Study convenes every Monday from 1:00 to 2:30 PM in Linder Hall. The group is currently exploring the five books of the Torah. All are welcome to join! For more information, contact Pastor Amy.  
24 Mar
1:00 pm
Linder Hall

Book Study for Women

Join us for discussion and fellowship as we read faith-based books selected by the group. We welcome new friends! Book Study Meets Tuesday mornings at 9:00 am in the Tevah room. We are currently reading “Chasing Vines” by Beth Moore. For more information Contact Beth Smith at (520.256.4974). Book Description: Join Beth Moore on an inspiring journey of spiritual discovery in her transformative book, “Chasing Vines: A Life of Meaning and Fruitfulness.” This profound exploration invites readers to delve into the core principles of living a life enriched by faith and purpose. Through heartfelt reflections and practical insights, Beth encourages us to embrace the call to abide in Jesus, cultivating a deeper relationship with Him as we navigate the complexities of life. She artfully weaves the spiritual significance of harvests and feasting into her narrative, illustrating how these timeless practices can lead to a more fulfilling existence. “Chasing Vines” is not just a guide; it’s an invitation to experience the abundance of life that comes from walking closely with Christ. With each chapter, readers will find encouragement to chase after the true essence of joy, community, and spiritual richness, ultimately discovering what it means to live a life that bears… Read More
25 Mar
9:00 am
Tevah Room


Do you do needlework? TVLC has a faithful group of needleworkers who meet in the TVLC Library on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. No matter your skill level (even beginners), you are invited to join! Email Connie Mallette to get more information.
25 Mar
6:30 pm
TVLC Library

Lenten Services

Each Wednesday at 6:30pm during Lent, we will gather in the Chapel for a time of prayerful contemplation featuring the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer.
26 Mar
6:30 pm


6th – 8th graders are invited to attend this weekly faith formation time led by Pastor Amy & Jayle. These sessions include fun, fellowship, Bible engagement, and prayer. Contact Jayle Sinclair.
26 Mar
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Tevah Room

Chancel Choir

Perfect pitch is not needed! Join us for fellowship and singing on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. We share anthems at the 9:15 am service and for special events. Practices for the Chancel Choir will resume on August 29.
27 Mar
6:30 pm

New Members Class

If you are considering becoming a TVLC member or you would like to learn more about our Lutheran roots and what it means to be a member of TVLC, join us on Sunday, March 23 at 10:15 am, in the Tevah room or Saturday, March 29 at 3:30 pm, in the Choir room Need more info? Email Sherri. If you’re interested in membership but are unable to attend the class, please contact Pastor Josh or Pastor Amy. 
29 Mar
3:30 pm
Choir Room

Saturday Worship

Join us this Lent as we remember that faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false. We are wading into the middle of the stories of Jesus and stretching our understanding beyond the polarized extremes and easy answers to find God in the sacred space in between. We worship on Saturday at 5 pm in the Sanctuary and on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary or at 10:30 am in the Chapel. We value children of all ages in worship. Busy Bags are available on posts outside the sanctuary and chapel doors and children’s bulletins and crayons are also available. Activity and noise by children are welcome parts of our life together! Ushers can help with any of these options
29 Mar
5:00 pm

Sunday Worship

Join us this Lent as we remember that faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false. We are wading into the middle of the stories of Jesus and stretching our understanding beyond the polarized extremes and easy answers to find God in the sacred space in between. We worship on Saturday at 5 pm in the Sanctuary and on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary or at 10:30 am in the Chapel. We value children of all ages in worship. Busy Bags are available on posts outside the sanctuary and chapel doors and children’s bulletins and crayons are also available. Activity and noise by children are welcome parts of our life together! Ushers can help with any of these options.
30 Mar
9:15 am
Sanctuary or Online
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Refugee Sponsorship Team

Through continued partnership with Lutheran Social Services, TVLC is officially sponsoring a family of four from Venezuela. The team has been helping the family get settled and learn to live in the United States by accompanying them to bank and DMV appointments and supporting their efforts to learn English. Click here to view the full update. If you would like to learn more about how you can become involved in this ministry and support these efforts, please reach out to




Lutheran Campus Ministry

Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) would like to send a heartfelt thank you to TVLC’s congregation for their generosity and support this weekend. After counting, LCM received $2,940 towards their missions trip to Guatemala, with more checks still arriving. Pastor Rebecca noted that the students who joined us for worship this Sunday were humbled by the experience. One of the students commented, “This was the kindest church we visited. I could see myself going here one day!” and the other students agreed. TVLC is blessed to have this amazing ministry partner, and we pray for their ministry and work in Guatemala. For more information on how to support Lutheran Campus Ministry, click here.




Groovy Vibes

Good times and groovy vibes filled the air this week as TVLC’s students tackled Ace of Escapes’ 70’s themed escape room! They worked together to solve puzzles and learn the mysteries of the room. It was a fantastic outing that was filled with teamwork and lots of laughter. To learn more about student ministry and exciting events like this, contact Jaylee Sinclair.

Lotsa Pasta

TVLC’s Collection for Interfaith Community Services’ Lotsa Pasta Drive was a resounding success! The collection was delivered to the ICS Eastside office this week and it required two cars and a truck to transport it all. The impressive haul included 149 cans of pasta sauce, 289 boxes of mac ‘n’ cheese, and 385 packages of pasta. A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who contributed and supported this drive.

New Members Classes

If you’re interested in becoming a member or learning more about TVLC we invite you to our next New Member Class on Sunday, March 23 at 10:15 AM in the Tevah Room and Saturday, March 29 at 3:30 PM in the Choir Room. If you’re not able to attend but are still interested in becoming a member please email Pastor Josh or Pastor Amy.




First Communion Classes

Second-grade and older kids and their families are invited to participate in a hands-on class on Sunday, March 30 at 10:30 AM in Linder Hall, to learn about Holy Communion. Our first communion celebration and recognition will be on Palm Sunday, April 13, during the 9:15 AM worship. Contact Tori Wendell to register.




Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 3:00PM



(520) 749-1606