Meet and Greet

Dear Friends,

I’m excited to share that an associate pastor candidate has been recommended by the call committee and endorsed by the TVLC council! We will hold two “Meet and Greet” events on Friday, January 12 where you will have a chance to meet and hear from the individual. Those will take place at 2pm and 6:30pm in the Chapel.

Then on Sunday, January 14 we will have a special congregational meeting at 10:00am in the Sanctuary to vote on whether or not to extend a call to this individual. The candidate’s name and identifying information is kept confidential until the “Meet and Greet” events. This allows the candidate to serve current congregants faithfully and without distraction until a formal call is issued and notice is given.

Thank you for your continued prayers throughout the call process. I continue to be excited for all that God is up to in our midst and the future God is leading us to!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Josh


Jan 12 2024


2pm or 6:30pm
2:00 pm



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