
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
December 2024

Saturday Worship

Join us this advent season as we dream alongside prophets and angels, Mary and the Magi, knowing our dreams are not in vain. We worship on Saturday at 5 pm in the Sanctuary and on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary or at 10:30 am in the Chapel. We value children of all ages in worship. Busy Bags are available on posts outside the sanctuary and chapel doors and children’s bulletins and crayons are also available. Activity and noise by children are welcome parts of our life together! Ushers can help with any of these options
21 Dec
5:00 pm

Sunday Worship

Join us this advent season as we dream alongside prophets and angels, Mary and the Magi, knowing our dreams are not in vain. We worship on Saturday at 5 pm in the Sanctuary and on Sunday at 9:15 am in the Sanctuary or at 10:30 am in the Chapel. We value children of all ages in worship. Busy Bags are available on posts outside the sanctuary and chapel doors and children’s bulletins and crayons are also available. Activity and noise by children are welcome parts of our life together! Ushers can help with any of these options.
22 Dec
9:15 am
Sanctuary or Chapel


Kids ages 3 years old through 5th grade are welcome to join us during the 9:15 am and 10:30 am service. Be sure to register to let us know you’re coming! Contact Tori Wendell.
22 Dec
9:15 am
Sanctuary or Chapel

A Wild Southwest Christmas

Join us during worship on Saturday, December 21, at 5 p.m. and Sunday, December 22, at 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. for our children’s Christmas program. The performance will feature a video adaptation of David Cook’s “Wild West Christmas.” For more information, contact Tori Wendell.
22 Dec
9:15 am

Wee Sing

Come sing with us! Ages four through second grade are welcome to join the TVLC Wee Singers. Contact Vickie Denning for more details.
22 Dec
10:15 am
Choir Room

TVLC Children’s Choir

Come sing with us! Third through eighth graders are welcome to join the TVLC Children’s Choir. Practice is held weekly on Sundays in the sanctuary at 10:30 am. Email Jennifer Wortman for more information.
22 Dec
10:30 am

Book Study for Women

Do you love reading and discussion? Join us for discussion and fellowship as we read faith-based books selected by the group. We welcome new friends! Join us Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in the Tevah room. We are currently reading “Holy Envy” by Barbara Brown Taylor Taylor weaves together stories from the classroom with reflections on how her own spiritual journey has been complicated and renewed by connecting with people of other traditions—even those whose truths are quite different from hers. The one constant in her odyssey is the sense that God is the one calling her to disown her version of God—a change that ultimately enriches her faith in other human beings and in God. Contact Beth Smith at 520-256-4974.
24 Dec
9:00 am
Tevah Room

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

Join us for Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion at 2 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm, and 9 pm or online. Together we hear the story that is oh-so-familiar, but oh-so-special each year. Together we await the wonder of this night — the weary mother, the modest shelter, the baby’s cry, the angels singing. Together we rejoice in promises fulfilled.
24 Dec
Sanctuary or Online


Do you do needlework? TVLC has a faithful group of needleworkers who meet in the TVLC Library on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. No matter your skill level (even beginners), you are invited to join! Email Connie Mallette to get more information.
24 Dec
6:30 pm
TVLC Library


6th – 8th graders are invited to attend this weekly faith formation time led by Pastor Amy & Jayle. These sessions include fun, fellowship, Bible engagement, and prayer. Contact Jayle Sinclair.
25 Dec
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Tevah Room

Advent Meditation

Join us on Wednesdays, December 4 – 18, at 6:30 pm in the Chapel for a time of meditative reflection using the themes of Faith, Hope, Joy, and Love during Advent. This quiet time away from our busyness will provide 25 minutes of peaceful contemplation. Contact Sherri McClellan.
25 Dec
6:30 pm

Chancel Choir

Perfect pitch is not needed! Join us for fellowship and singing on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. We share anthems at the 9:15 am service and for special events. Practices for the Chancel Choir will resume on August 29.
26 Dec
6:30 pm
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