By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet the Neilson family.

About you?
Jamie is originally from Michigan, but grew up in Ft. Collins, CO. She attended college at Montana State University in Bozeman and earned a BA in Photography. She found her way to Tucson in 2002 after visiting and appreciating our winter weather!

Matthew is a Tucson native and has spent his life here except for his time serving in the Navy. Matt enlisted after high school and was stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii for four years, where he worked as an Electronics Technician. After the Navy he continued to serve his country in the Army National Guard, working on Apache helicopters at Pinal Air Park.

Jamie and Matt met while working as photographers for a company that does school portraits. They soon found out they shared the exact same birthday and the rest, as they say, is history. Matt and Jamie left their photography jobs to work at Ventana Canyon Resort for 15 years where Matt worked as the IT Manager and Jamie as the Retail Manager.

Jamie is now the Director of Operations and Events for the Arizona Technology Council and puts on various events for companies in the tech industry throughout the state. Matt is a Technical Account Manager for Computer Dimensions.

Matt and Jamie have an 8-year-old daughter, Olivia, who is in the second grade at Desert Christian Elementary School.

Family ties?
Jamie and Matt were thrilled to have Jamie’s mom, Susan Six, move from Colorado to Tucson to be near them and help with Olivia’s care. Susan is also a member of TVLC.

Jamie enjoys photography and helping with Girl Scouts. Matt sings bass in the church choir and enjoys baking in his spare time. Olivia enjoys gymnastics and Girl Scouts. She also practiced ballet and karate last year and enjoys arts and crafts.

The family misses their dog, Katie, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge the day after Thanksgiving. They reminisce about her antics and still feel her love for them.

Have you enjoyed getting to know the Neilsons a little bit better? Can we share your story? We’d love to hear from you!
