By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet the Carr family.

About you?
Lana Carr has two children. Lili is 12 and Ben is 10. Lana works as an occupational therapist at a post acute rehabilitation center where “there is never a dull moment!”

Lana is originally from North Dakota. Lili and Ben were born in Scottsdale. They have lived in Tucson for 10 years and love its sunsets, mountains, friendly people, and small-town feel.

Lili will soon be a 7th-grader at Emily Gray Junior High. She enjoys cheerleading, volleyball, shopping, crafts and sleepovers. She is CRAZY about animals and has an inquisitive, gentle, and nurturing manner with them.

Ben will be a 5th-grader at Agua Caliente Elementary School. Ben loves to build things, play outside, ride his bike, play Minecraft and ask lots of questions. He is witty, creative, has endless energy, and a heart of gold.

Lana, Lili, and Ben enjoy swimming, hiking, traveling, playing games, baking, and spending time together as a family.

A dog, 3 guinea pigs, and 2 rats — the rats are on loan from the school — fill out the family. Lana claims the rats are “adorable once you get past the size of their tails.”

Favorite TVLC memory?
Lana, Lili, and Ben enjoy activities with Roots, the TVLC young family group, and Lili and Ben have enjoyed Vacation Bible School and Sunday School.

Lana fondly remembers picking up Lili and Ben from Christmas pageant practice and learning they were playing Mary and Joseph, making Lana “grandmother to Baby Jesus!”

Lana feels especially blessed by the support of the congregation and Pastor Josh during the illness and passing of Andrew — Lana’s beloved husband and Lili’s and Ben’s father.

Have you enjoyed getting to know Lana, Lili, and Ben a little bit better? Can we share your story? We’d love to hear from you! Contact