By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet Shari Huffman.

About you?
Shari’s given name is Donna, but she was always called Shari by her family. She was born in southwestern Washington, but her family moved to Montana when Shari was six years old. Shari grew up there and graduated from Whitefish High School.

From Whitefish, Shari went to Eastern Washington University planning to become a high school English teacher. However, fate intervened when she met Dick Huffman at a house party which Shari had attended with her current boyfriend. Shari says “the sparks were there and soon after we were engaged” and then married.

By the time Shari was 21, she put her English knowledge and journalism background to work in a small feature column she wrote for the local newspaper in Spokane. Shari continued to work in journalism throughout her career and has had several articles published in national magazines.

Dick and Shari were both ‘only’ children and they had an ‘only’ child. Jeff and his wife Naoko live in the Seattle area and Jeff broke the trend. Shari has two “wonderful” grandchildren. Erika is 24 and is a store manager. James is finishing his sophomore year and playing college football.

Dick and Shari became snowbirds in Tucson in 1998 and moved to Tucson permanently in 2006. Dick passed away in 2009.

Shari and Dick loved children and were counselors for a youth group at their Seattle church. Shari also taught Vacation Bible School and Confirmation. Shari now volunteers for the Pima County Prosecutor’s office working with young offenders in a restorative justice program as an alternative to punitive justice. Shari has worked in the program for four years.

Favorite TVLC memories?
Shari and Dick joined TVLC in April 2008. Shari calls TVLC “a heavenly, wonderful church home.” She and Dick both enjoyed singing in the choir. Shari has also co-facilitated GriefShare, attends Friday morning Bible study and helps lead Prime Timers. Shari “loves this church family and has many dear, dear friends within the congregation.”

Have you enjoyed getting to know Shari a little bit better? Can I share your story? I’d love to hear from you! Contact