By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet Michael and Margaret Casolari.

About you?
Michael and Margaret met while working at Marriott Great America Amusement Park in Santa Clara, CA. They married in August 1979.

Michael accepted an IBM transfer from San Jose to Tucson in December 1981. With thought of a 5-year plan with IBM Tucson, Michael and Margaret started their family. Nicholas was born in 1984 and Elizabeth in 1985. Nicholas now lives in Yorba Linda, CA and is married with one daughter. Elizabeth lives in Tucson and is married with 2 children.

Michael and Margaret came to TVLC because of its location and our preschool. Nicholas and Elizabeth both attended the preschool, which led to a Michael and Margaret learning more about TVLC and joining the church.

The preschool was not only important to the Casolari children, it soon became Margaret’s employer. She began teaching in 1991 and continued to be a greatly loved teacher for the next 30 years, until retiring to assist her grandchildren with remote learning last year.

Michael’s 5-year plan with IBM, turned into a 36-year career. He followed that up with a few less stressful years as the “helpful, hardware man” at ACE Hardware and helped open the new Amazon facility in southeast Tucson.

Michael and Margaret have both been active as ushers and with the food ministry. Margaret was a member of the hand bell choir and served on the Call Committee that called Pastor Josh. Michael and Margaret raised Nicholas and Elizabeth in the church and both were confirmed here. Elizabeth was married at TVLC.

This January, Michael and Margaret officially began their retirement years. They now live in the Del Webb active adult community in Vail and enjoy a range of activities that are offered.

Michael and Margaret have a fond passion for couples country two-step dancing, are active/competitive Pickleball players, kayak the lakes of Arizona, and travel, bicycle, hike, and garden. They also enjoy handyman home projects and, above all, precious time with their three grandchildren!

Favorite TVLC memories?
Margaret truly loved her position with the preschool and kindergarten. She viewed her passion as a teacher “as her personal ministry.” Margaret treasures the memories of the children and families that “left their fingerprints on her heart.” She also mentored a few of her past students along their Confirmation journeys.

Have you enjoyed getting to know Michael and Margaret a little bit better? Can we share your story? We’d love to hear from you! Contact