By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet Jeff and Jane Young.

About you?
Jane spent a few early years in Milwaukee, but claims Cleveland, OH as her hometown. Jeff grew up in a small town in Ohio called Oak Harbor. Both resided within 8 miles of the Lake Erie shoreline.

Jeff and Jane met while attending Ohio Northern University. In 1978, Jeff graduated with a BS in Electrical Engineering and Jane received a BA in Education. They were married a year after graduation and moved to Tucson.

Jane and Jeff have 3 adult children and 4 “perfect” grandchildren. The goal of their grandchildren is to be “taller than Grammy” and two have already reached that goal with the other two closing in.

Jane retired from teaching five years ago and Jeff recently retired after more than 43 years in the power electronics industry.

Jane enjoys pampering her grandkids and keeping up with her favorite television shows. Jeff enjoys cooking, riding his mountain bike, and performing maintenance on his bicycles. Jeff also enjoys working around the house and “remedying the 36 years of neglect that transpired before he retired!”

Favorite TVLC memories?
One of the favorite memories of Jeff and Jane is from their initial visit to TVLC. At that time, the present sanctuary was just a scale model on a card table that was on the patio between Linder Hall and the chapel — the sanctuary at that time. When Jeff and Jane see Pastor Frank and Linda Nausin, they recall that time in the life of TVLC.

Have you enjoyed getting to know Jeff and Jane a little bit better? Can I share your story? I’d love to hear from you! Contact