Jacklyne Volpe is the TVLC Communication Coordinator.

What’s a typical day like for you?
As part of the TVLC Communication Team, Jacklyne contributes to the creation of the weekly email newsletter, The TVLC Connect. She also creates on-campus posters for events and happenings around the church and monitors and updates the community bulletin board. Jacklyne also works on the maintenance and updating of the TVLC Web page. With the current stay-at-home orders, her work has been modified and she has created a printed version of The TVLC Connect to ensure that those in the congregation without technology have access to TVLC news and happenings.

What do you like most about your job?
Jacklyne likes to learn different ways to successfully communicate to a broad group of people. She has also enjoyed working with different programs and software to create eye-catching graphics to highlight events going on around the church.

About you?
Jacklyne was born and raised in Tucson, although she has traveled all over the world doing conservation research in Africa, Mexico and Singapore. She went to Santa Rita High School and earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Arizona. Jacklyne and her partner will celebrate 15 years together this September.

Dogs or cats?
Jacklyne loves animals. She has three dogs named Atlas, Gaia & Déjà. She has two cats, two parrots, an African Leopard Tortoise named Amber, and dozens of chickens and quail!

Hidden talent?
Jacklyne is a good listener. People (even strangers) talk to her about personal matters, seek advice and a shoulder to lean on.

Happiest doing when you’re not working?
Jacklyne loves to spend time outdoors! She likes to work in her yard and on her farm, but also appreciates hiking and backpacking in the mountains.

Knowledge and Kindness

Personal motto?
“Well done is better than well said.” ~Benjamin Franklin

Favorite quote?
“The Earth is what we all have in common.” ~Wendell Berry