By Vickie Denning, Communications Director

TVLC is filled with remarkable people. Because of the number and size of our services, we often miss out on meeting folks or having the opportunity to get to know them. Today we’ll meet Dani & Chuck Kolsrud.

About you?
Dani’s given name is Danelda and Chuck’s given name is Charles. They are both from Iowa, where Chuck grew up in the southeastern part of the state near Davenport and Dani grew up as on a farm in the northeastern part of the state. Their education began in country schools.

Chuck earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physical Education from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master’s in Mathematic Education from Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, MI. He taught advanced math at both the high school and collegiate levels. Chuck also coached football, pole vaulting and wrestling.

Dani attended the Rochester Kahler School Nursing in Rochester, MN, with Pediatric Training at Cook County Hospital in Chicago and Obstetrical Training at the University of Chicago Lying-in Hospital. She specialized in geriatric nursing and taught continuing education classes in the health field for Eastern Iowa Community Colleges.

Dani and Chuck met in Waterville, IA, and that evening Dani broke a date with another young man to go out with Chuck! They wed 63 years ago in The Little Brown Church in Nashua, IA. The church is famous for a song written about it called “The Church in the Wildwood.”

Chuck and Dani retired in 1994 and moved to the Sun City area in Arizona. Ten years ago, they moved to Tucson to be with their son and his wife, Kyle and Mary, and grandchildren, Catherine and Erik. Their daughter, Kelli, lives in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI, which is “too far” according to the Tucson family.

Chuck and Dani moved to The Forum in Tucson six months ago after Chuck was diagnosed with TIA-induced dementia. The move caused Dani to remember her grandson’s outlook when moving to Tucson as a junior in high school. Her grandson viewed it as an opportunity “to make a whole bunch of new friends.” Dani has embraced that outlook and has also made new friends.

Chuck and Dani both enjoy sports — Chuck likes to participate and Dani is a fan. During his younger years, Chuck enjoyed tennis, wrestling, swimming and track as a pole vaulter. Later, he took up golf. Dani loves vocal and instrumental music. Dani began singing at church and school events when she was five and later took voice lessons. When she was nine, her parents cashed in her war bond to buy Dani an upright piano. She took lessons for 35¢ per 30-minute lesson. Dani has shared her talents as a choir director, church organist and choir member.

Dani also loves animals and see them all as potential pets! As a child doing chores on the farm, Dani’s dad accused her of spoiling all the animals to the point where he couldn’t do anything with them!

 Favorite TVLC memories?
Dani has a favorite memory from their church in Sun City. Chuck volunteered to serve with Arizona for Children, which works to improve the lives of children in foster care. Every Thursday, Chuck would spend evenings fixing and sharing an evening meal and supporting foster children and their parent or representative.

At TVLC, Dani served as a mental health representative to Interfaith Community Services. She remembers being surprised by her “yes” answer when Bob Kridler asked her to serve in this role with him.

Have you enjoyed getting to know Dani & Chuck a little bit better? Can I share your story? I’d love to hear from you! Contact