Dear Friends,

During this year, we have monitored and complied with advice from our federal, state, and local public health professionals to protect the health and safety of our congregation and greater community. We continue to do that and adapt our ministries and guidelines to stay in step with the current cirucmstances and latest guidance.

  • In-person worship is now taking place in the Sanctuary on Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 9:15am. The Gathering service resumes in the Chapel at 10:30am on May 16. Our online worship will continue to livestream on Sundays at 9:15am or later on demand.
  • We have invested in an ionization air filtration system for all campus buildings that reduces pathogens and improves indoor air quality. You can learn more about it here. Air will be circulated continually throughout worship services.
  • In light of the latest CDC guidance which allows fully vaccinated individuals to resume activities including indoor worship and singing without restrictions, masks are now recommended but not required. We realize people are in different places in regard to their levels of comfort, and so we encourage respect and non-judgement of those whose choices differ from ours.
  • The pews and other high touch surfaces will be sanitized before each service.
  • We will offer nursery care on Sunday mornings with limited capacity.
  • Chidren’s activities are being offered during the 9:15am and 10:30am services on Sunday. If you are willing to volunteer with children’s ministry, please contact Tara Hudson.
  • Some small group gatherings are meeting in person or offering hybrid options depending on the preference of the groups.

Our plans, including additional worship services and moving toward the new normal, are a work in progress. As circumstances change and health and safety recommendations change, we will also adapt and change.

Thank you once again for your faithfulness, your patience, and your commitment to God’s work at TVLC. We look forward to seeing you when the time is right!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Josh & Pastor Stephen