This weekend we give thanks to God for the lives of those who have gone before us in faith. We offer a special remembrance of loved ones who have died during these pandemic times.

November 2020 – October 2021

Lisa Adeli
Neil Anderson
Jim Bell
Dolly Bridgmon
Glen Brisson
Ethelyn Brown
Sandy Caldwell
Kevin Casolari
Dave Creech
Teresa D’Entremont
David Engwall
Bruce Ferko
Betty Grantham
Tom Harding
Jim Jacobson
Perry Johnson
Gloria Lewis
Duaine Linton
Stan Matthews
Carolyn McCallie
Randy Meyer
William Russell Nyman
Bruce Osenberg
Thomas Pautler
Cheryl Petrik
Elfriede Renno
Tom Ricksecker
Bill Rundle
Dan Sakall
Alan Schetterer
Monty Schultz
Steve Schumacher
Nyla Schwartz
Arthur Six
Gerri Sjoland
Lynda Smothers
Elizabeth Stember
Kevin Wetterstrom
Doug Willingham
Henry Wilson


February 2020 – October 2020

Mary Lou Angstadt
Joanne Bauman
Denise Birger
Jack Bittorf
Bruce Fields
Mitch Fox
Lilli Hamilton
Tom Mallette
Dan Maynard
Wilma Morris
Sue Ressler
Elton Sancken
Jay Tallant
Bob Wetterstrom
Vivian Wilsdon