By: Vickie Denning, Communications Director

We came together for our 10th annual God’s Work. Our Hands. Days of Service to make a difference in our community. We worked together, deepened relationships, and served our community while finding a sense of purpose in following Jesus and sharing love.

We kicked off our service projects on Saturday by offering paper shredding, electronics recycling, and drive-through food donation. We are grateful to those who partnered with us to make the projects possible. The Boy Scouts Troop 141 provided traffic control and assistance with events. AARP Arizona provided shredding and trucks. Suburban Miners received our electronics for recycling. Thrivent Financial provided Action Team funds to cover costs.

Approximately 250 vehicles came to the event on Saturday, donating 730 pounds of food and $250 for our food pantry.

Thirty-one large barrels of paper were shredded and a trailer full of electronics were collected for recycling and kept out of our local landfill.

On Sunday, our Sunday School children and adult helpers made 7 fleece blankets for foster children assisted by More Than a Bed. The kids decorated gift bags for the blankets and made cards for the recipients.

Plates of cookies were delivered to 25 TVLC members with limited mobility or community partners as an expression of gratitude.

Eighty sack lunches were created for day workers living at a Primavera Foundation Men’s Shelter.

Thank you for your selfless acts of service—directing traffic, carrying shredding, unloading electronics, receiving food donations, decorating bags and cards, making blankets, driving and delivering cookies and words of encouragement, making sandwiches and packing sack lunches. Thank you for your hands and your voices and for being a part of the TVLC community.