“Embody the Word”

2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly 

At Love of Christ Lutheran Church, Mesa, Arizona

Voting Member Report  

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all members of the body,

though many, are one body, so it is with Christ”  1Corinthians 12:12


Tanque Verde Lutheran Church Voting Members: Pastors Josh and Pastor Amy, Sue and Ralph Jensen, Rick and Kim Kennedy


Total Assembly Attendance was 341 (284 voting members, 57 guests). The bishop’s election was the foremost item on the agenda. Deacon John Weit from the ELCA facilitated the process using the ecclesiastical ballot process. Bishop Deborah Hutterer was re-elected receiving 201 votes during the first ballot satisfying the majority requirement.


Embody Christ” worship service reminded us that each one of us is a beloved member of the body of Christ. We were encouraged to embrace unity and urged to practice love and forgiveness, seek justice, promote peace, practice generosity, witness, and lead a prayerful life. 


The 2025-2026 Mission Plan Financials were explained and approved by vote. We learned about where our congregation’s mission support goes and how the dollars are allocated to fulfill the mission to Communicate Jesus, Connect People and Create Possibilities.


2024 Mission and Ministry Partner Stories presentation informed us about what is going on in and beyond our synod. I was invited to share an update about the Growing in Faith Diakonia Program.


Synod Assembly Workshops: We could attend two sessions focusing on the following relevant and practical topics-

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona: Introduction to LAMA and report on advocacy and education activities focusing on hunger, water, and civic engagement.

Getting Your House In Order: Pastor Steve Talmage focused on how we can be a blessing to those who follow us after we die by having our affairs in order and leave our legacy.

Military Chaplaincy: Combatting Moral Injury: Chaplain Matt Dobyns answered questions pertaining to military life and military chaplaincy.

Hands-On Church Physical: Information to improve the vitality of our congregations.

Telling Your Faith Story: Ways to explore how God is acting in your life and how you can put that into stories you already tell.

Gift Planning: Covered planned giving basics, shared ELCA Foundation resources and best practices.


Fellowship: One of the best parts of synod assembly is to get reacquainted with old friends and to share ideas and success stories!


Respectfully submitted,


Kim Kennedy, TVLC Council President