By Sue Jensen, Synod Council Member

The 34th Assembly of the Grand Canyon Synod was held June 10-11 at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa. Nearly 300 voting members were in attendance, including Pastor Stephen and Annie Hilding, Ralph and Sue Jensen, Marge and Norton Johnson, and Carol Paulsen. This was the synod’s first in-person Assembly since June 2019.

The Assembly’s theme was “Stirred Up in the Spirit,” based on Hebrews 10:24-25: “And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Opening worship included a message from Bishop Deborah Hutterer based on this theme verse.

The business of the Assembly began with the treasurer’s report for fiscal year 2021-2022 and adoption of the synod’s mission spending plan for 2023-2024. The Grand Canyon synod fulfilled its pledge to the larger church by sending 50% of all pledged benevolence funds received (approximately $910,000) to ELCA Churchwide. Those funds enabled the ELCA to establish new congregations and missions, develop leadership, support mission partners, and work to alleviate hunger, poverty, and homelessness throughout the U.S., all done on our behalf. In addition, the Grand Canyon Synod returned more than 30% of funds received to synod entities through grants to congregations and other mission partners such as campus ministries, advocacy groups, and social services organizations. TVLC was the recipient of one of these grants in 2021.

Other synod business included the finalization of a companion synod agreement with the Iglesia Luterana de México, changes to the synod constitution and bylaws, election of a synod secretary and synod council members, adoption of a resolution on (re)commitment to fighting racism, and the announcement of the new Manna Grant opportunity. There was also a Bible study on Hebrews 10:24-25 and an interactive presentation entitled “How to have a spiritual conversation without being a jerk.”

The Mission and Ministry Task Force brought its recommendations for the use of $1.1 million from the sale of the Celebration Lutheran Church property. The task force established guiding principles to prioritize investment in missions with sustainable leadership; the groups to be funded this year include a Sudanese worshipping community, several Hispanic churches, and an exploration of young adult ministry.

The Reverend Dr. Louise Johnson, ELCA Executive for Administration, brought greetings from ELCA Churchwide and gave thanks for the Grand Canyon Synod’s faithfulness in ministry.

Funds received from the synod’s ongoing Growing Generosity campaign are already being used to assist congregations in redevelopment, to alleviate rostered leaders’ medical and student debt, to address inequality and injustice in our communities, to develop leaders, and to enable respite care for pastors and deacons impacted by two years of pandemic.

Bishop Hutterer and other synod staff reported on their work, and pastors and deacons celebrating ordination anniversaries and retirements were recognized. The Assembly closed with a worship service, which included a message from Rev. Dr. Johnson.

A recording of the entire Assembly is available on the synod’s website at